Friday, March 9, 2012

Jupiterian Transits and Business Cycles

Musica Universalis or Music of the Spheres

Saturnine Transits

Saturn is a hard Taskmaster. He can make man bear the Cross. Purgation of sins is effectuated by Saturn.

He causes Sasa Maha Yoga, one of the major yogas.  If he be powerfully
posited in angles, in his own houses or in exaltation, Sasa Yoga is caused. Sasa Yoga gives enjoyments and makes  the native blase or fed up with pleasure,
granting Vairagya or detachment to the native, which will pave the way for
Liberation. Hence the importance of Sasa Yoga in a horoscope.

He represents the principle " Without Hell, no Heaven",  " Without thorns, no roses " , " Without pain, no gain"

In the First, he brings untold sorrows ( Nana Roga shucham )
In the Second, he brings loss of happiness and wealth ( Sukhartha Vihathim )
In the Third, he brings happiness and gains  ( Sthanartha bhrityadhikam ) .
In the Fourth, he brings fall from happiness ( Sthree bandastha sukhachyuthim )
In the Fifth, fall again ( dhana sukha bhramsam )
In the Sixth, fall again ( sapatna kshayam )
In the Seventh, he makes man go away from his domicile ( Marga sakthim )
In the Eighth, he brings sorrows galore ( Analpa Dukha nichayam )
In the Ninth, loss of Righteousness ( Dharma pranasa mayan )
In the Tenth, he brings economic stringency ( Daridram )
In the Eleventh, gains of a high order ( Dhana Labham )
In the Twelfth, dissipation of wealth ( Artha Vihathim ).

Saturnine transits are dreaded and one should be very careful during the negative transits, like Elarata Saturn ( when he transits the 12th, 1st and 2nd ) and 8th.

He has a satellite called Gulika. Gulika's birth is described thus. The King
of the demons, Ravana, asked Saturn to come and stay in the 11th house, the
best house for Saturn, when his son Indrajith was born. Saturn, with his
customary guile and came and stayed in the 11th house, but put his feet in
the 12th ( the worst house for Saturn ). So Ravana got angry and cut the leg
off Saturn. That is why he is said to be lame. Indrajith was defeated when
he was born 

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Julian Calender

The Julian Calender was established by Julius Caesar on 47 BC. It used a calculation of 365.25 days or 365 day and 6 hours. So therefore it was imperative that the fourth year has an additional day, on Feb 29th.

The First Month was Ianarius or January. The second month was Februarius, named after the Goddess Februa. The third month was Martis, named after Mars, which later on became March. The fourth was Aprilis, named after the goddess, April. The fifth month was Maius, after Mercury, which later on became May. The sixth month was Iona, or June, after the Goddess Juno. The seventh was Quintilis and the eighth, Sextils. Now the next month was September. Septa in Latin is Seventh and is equivalent to the Sanskrit Sapta. October is derived from Octa, meaning 8th, Ashta. November was Nova or Nava and December was Decem or 10th or Dasa !

In 1545, the seasons went haywire. The Equinoxes, Vernal and Autumnal, all came at the wrong dates. The Western astronomers were worried and they went to Pope Gregory to rectify the Julian Calender.

The error was obvious. When I first developed my software, there was error when one year = 365.25 days was used. The actual value, given by Sir Simon Newcombe is 365.256362424815. 12 decimals have to be used. Julian Calender erred as the decimals were only 2.

The Council of Trent authorised Christopher Clavius, who knew some Astronomy and Maths, to rectify this error. He had learnt Astro Maths from Pedro Nunes, a Jewish astronomer. Matteo Ricci was sent to India for this purpose, as the Indian Jyothish texts had the sine tables of Aryabhata, Madhava and Brahmagupta. No errors were reported in Indian calculations, which are sidereal and eternal.

Pope Gregory had to add 11 more days to the Julian Calender to rectify it ! This is the Western Calender ! Western Calender is based on the Tropical Zodiac and this Zodiac precedes one degree in 72 years. This Calender needs periodic adjustment. Whereas the Indian Astro Calender is based on the non moving Sidereal Zodiac.

It is surprising that Christopher Clavius, with Indian Knowledge, rectified the Julian Calender and now this Calender is known as the Gregorian Calender. He used six decimals !