This is how the Trichur Corporation is solving the problem of waste. Two
tubes are given for less than 100 INR. The real cost is 893 INR. 90% is
subsidy. 75% given by Shuchithva Mission and 15% by Corporation.
The householder gets two tubes for less than 100. He can put waste in one
tube and close it with a lid. After one week when the tube becomes full with
waste, he can fill the other tube. ( On top of that waste, buttermilk, cowdung,
curd can be put ). Meanwhile the first tube will be full of fertiser and that
fertiliser can be used as manure for farms ! Tubes have 8 inch diameter and 1.3
meter length. Initially tubes will be given to 20 K homes.
Distribution of tubes have begun. Not a great engineering idea, but maybe
it will suffice !