What is Zero * Infinity ?
Any number into Zero is Zero
Any number into Infinity is Infinity
The answer is that it is a mathematical Indeterminate !
Buddhists call Reality Shoonya, Zero.
HIndus call Reality, Poorna, Infinity.
The First Science, the Science of Being, Vedanta Saastra, tells us to identify with the Macrocosm, the Brahmanda and never with Microcosm, the Pindanda !
Says the Guru to the Disciple.
Yatra Bhasayati Visvam
Kalpitam Rajju Sarpavat
Ananda Paramananda
Sa Bodhastam Sukhe Chara !
In Whom all this is illumined
Like Serpent which looks like Rope
That is Thee, Thyself, Bliss
Have that Cosmic Awareness !
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