Saturday, March 31, 2018

As the First Planetary Hour Ruler today,01 04 18, is the Sun and Arka Shambhu.....
   Omkaram Bindu Samyuktam or Shad Akshara Stotra 

This is known as Shad Akshara Mantra
With six verses, beginning with
Each letter of the six glorious letters,
Om, Na Ma Si Va Ya !
The letters Six are He !

He who is of the nature of AUM
Symbolising the three states relative
Waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep
And the Fourth, Transcendence
Who resides as Dot in the Heart
Meditated by Yogis ever
Who is the conferror
Of both Liberation and Prosperity
To Him of the form of AUM
I bow in reverential awe !

Omkaaram Bindu-Samyuktam Nityam Dhyaayanti Yoginah
Kaamadam Mokssadam Caiva Omkaaraaya Namo Namah

Friday, March 30, 2018

Ephemeris Positions for today, 31 03 18

Sun's Longitude - 346 degrees
Moon in Delta Corvi, Hasta
Full Moon, Pournami
& the Day of Shani / Saturn.

We begin the day with a Bhajan.

O Burner of poverty
I salute Thee  entire !
Lord of the Universe
Wearer of the Crescent
Wearer of hair uncombed
And fair as camphor !

Visweswaraya narakarnava tharanaya,
Karnamruthaya Sasi shekara dharanaya,
Karpoorakanthi dhavalaya jada dharaya,
Daridrya Dukha dahanaya Nama Shivaya.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

As the First Planetary Hour Ruler ( today, 30 03 18 ) is Venus and Annapoorneswari Lakshmi....................

 The Eightfold Verse about the Mother Divine

 Like Socrates who said " I know nothing, not even my own ignorance", Sankara was also known for his humility. "I know not Philosophy, Literature or Science " , he says in his poem, Bhavani Ashtakam. I am one of the worst beings and my only refuge is Thee !

 Neither do I know how to donate,
Nor Meditation transcendental
Neither do I know Tantra,
Nor the stanzas of prayer great,
Worshipping is unknown to me ,
Nor do I know the art of yoga,
Thou art my only Refuge , O Mother Divine !

Read on at

As the First Planetary Hour Ruler ( today, 30 03 18 ) is Venus and Annapoorneswari Lakshmi....................

 The Eightfold Verse about the Mother Divine

 Like Socrates who said " I know nothing, not even my own ignorance", Sankara was also known for his humility. "I know not Philosophy, Literature or Science " , he says in his poem, Bhavani Ashtakam. I am one of the worst beings and my only refuge is Thee !

 Neither do I know how to donate,
Nor Meditation transcendental
Neither do I know Tantra,
Nor the stanzas of prayer great,
Worshipping is unknown to me ,
Nor do I know the art of yoga,
Thou art my only Refuge , O Mother Divine !

Read on at

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

An Octet to the Guru Divine or  Thotaka Ashtakam  By   

Thotaka, one of the disciples of Sankara, wrote an octet in praise of his
Master, Bhagavan Sankara. The metre he used in his composition was the
difficult but the most beautiful Thotaka.

This  eightfold verse voice the extreme loyalty and devotion he had for his
Master. There is nothing superior to the Guru, none greater than Him. Guru
is the destroyer of Ignorance and on the Grace of the Grace rests the
fulfilment of the  dream of Self Actualisation !

His devotion is best expressed in the soul moving note of this magnificent
song , Be Thou my Refuge, O Master Divine !

hødaye kalaye vimalam caraïam
bhava ùañkara deùika me ùaranam.(1)

O Knower of the Milk Ocean of Sciences philosophic
Proponent of the mighty Upanishads
My heart yearns for Thy faultless feet
Be Thou my Refuge, O Master Divine 

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