Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Science of Overmind Poetry, Atheeta Manas Kavya Sastra

Origin of  Poetry

Pegasus, the winged horse of Grecian Mythology,
Tapped Mount Helicon with his hoof,
And from that exact spot arose,
The Fountain of Poesy, the Hippocrene !

Shelley opined that Francis Bacon,
The Father of English Prose,
Was a Poet inimitable,
Because his prose appeared to be poetic !

Poetry evolved from Sorrow
From Shoka arose Shloka.
The First Poet was pained,
When a bird was struck by an arrow.

Never Kill, Ma Nishada,he cried out,
For, it is against Law of Conscience.
In the Orient, he is the First Poet,
And his poem, Ramayana, First Poem.

Milton was blind and suffered a lot,
Out of his sufferings, came the Paradise Lost.
Dante was a mendicant, with a love tragedy,
And out of his strife, came the Divine Comedy.

Poontanam's son died early,
Out of his sorrow came the Njanapana.
Melpathur was afflicted by Arthritis,
Out of his frustrations, arose the Narayaneeyam.

That is why Adversity has been defined as divine,
And Melancholy as Sage and Holy !
Spiritual development accelerates under Adversity,
Whose positive aspect is unknown to Prosperity !


maanikyaveena - Kaviratna Kalidasa - Dr Rajkumar HIt Songs - Jayapradha

Friday, April 24, 2020

Secret of Overmind Poetry

What is the Secret of  Poetry?
Let us start from basics.
Why is Kavya Sastra, the Science of  Poetry,
Considered as the greatest Science?

Beauty walking celestial is Poetry,
Wisdom's Center and Circumference,
Cent percent divine and Great Healer,
And foreseer of Scientific Knowledge.

My friend once mentioned
Poets had some great experience.
They had transcendental experience,
When Mind hit the Quantum Ground State.

Quantum Ground State has beendefined,
As the Field of All  Possibilities.
As the State of Least Excitation of Consciousness,
And it can transmute men into poets and philosophers !

Aurobindo experienced three of the Four,
Faculties of the Intuitive Reason,
Revealation, Inspiration and Intuition,
Known to Rishies as Ila, Saraswati and Sarama,

Ila is Revealation,
Saraswati is Inspiration,
Sarama is Intuition,
All of them belong  to Psychic Research,

Kalidasa's experience of Transcendence,
Was symbolically depicted as a meeting,
With the Mother of World Poetry, Kali,
Who inscribed greatest mantra on his tongue

Mother  Kali is emblematic of the Ground State,
And Kalidasa, the common man turned poet.
The fountain of Poesy that flowed out of him.
Was due to divination by the Ground State.

The Language of the Philosophers,
Poetry is the Revealation of the Heart !
She can survive Cycles of Time,
And perceive the Celestial Diameter !

The Supra Rational Mystery

Einstein called Universe Finite Unbounded !
Universe, in its aspects, as structure or as Energy,
Appears as an indeterminate determination,
Implying a Supra Rational Mystery at the base.

Beholding the Universe , Sankara exclaimed,
"Wonder of Wonders and indefinable".
As Supra Cosmic Transcendence is suprarational,
So too Mystery of Universe must ultimately be so !

A boundless finite, said one psychic scientist,
At the end of his research   on Consciousness.
Paradoxical, but necessary expressions which tell,
That we are dealing with a Suprarational Mystery.

Man possesses two types of MIND,
Rational Mind and Mind Intuitive.
Science and Technology belong to Mind Rational,
Poetry and Philosophy, to Intuitive Mind.

Behind  phenomenal world is Reality Transcendent,
Which Intuition alone can see.
Absolute Intuition is clearly the way out,
Not Antinomic Reason.

Intuition is defined as the Eye Of Wisdom,
When Reason plays, Intuition is silent.
Intuition has been defined as that faculty of the Absolute,
Which perceives the Absolute, as the Absolute.

As if the Ultimate Verity needs proof !
Omnipotent Being is proof of Itself !
The Lord is the All and more than the All,
Ans that which exceeds and trancends the All !

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Forgive my mistakes !

Forgive my three mistakes, cried the Seer-Poet Vyasa,
First, I defined the Indefinable Thee !
Second, I attributed Form to the Formless Thee,
And I limited the Illimitable Thee within a Temple.

Great minds think alike and Melpathur did the same.
" In my Ignorance, I described the Indescribable !"
The Soul identifying with the body is Ignorance, Avidya,
And Soul identifying with the Self is Wisdom,Vidya.

The Constellations are Thy Teeth, Tharaganascha Radana,
They keep the same distance from one another,
Never coming closer to one another, nor moving furthur asunder,
Showing Thy mathematical precision, O Great Geometer !

From the  Moon, I will learn about Brahman,
Like the Fifteen Lunations, the Becomings of the Moon,
Affecteth not the Moon,in her pristine state,
So also Thy Becomings, affect Thee not, as Pure Being.

From the Sun, I will learn about Thee
Thy Representative and only visible Deity
Myriads of ponds show his many reflections,
But he remains, One and Non-Dual, like Thee !

Thou hast been defined as Time, Kala Ityalapanti,
As Above, So Below, the Terrestrial follows the Celestial !
Electrons and planets revolve in elliptical orbits,
As Thy Mathematical Symbol is the Ellipsoid Linga !

Unaware of Thee, many luxuriate in Sorrow,
All sciences intuitive, Sastras, have been revealed  by Thee,
Who doth emparadise my meditative mind,
Thy Saguna Aspect is greater than Thy Nirguna !

Thou hast been defined as Sound Absolute, Sabda Brahmeti,
Study of Sastras have  been defined as Sabda Brahman.
It is a great preparation for Absolute Actualisation,
The Yogi follows Thine "Let Sastras be your guide ".

Diurnal motion eternally keepeth  Time,
Luminaries and planets obey Thy instructions.
Thou hast been defined as Atom, Anu iti,
And Universe expands, as per Thy Universal Will ! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Aurobindo Hypothesis VII - Everything is Being

In the Beginning, there was One Existence,
The Absolute, the Perfect, the Alone
 In the Middle,there are many existences,
The Relative, the Imperfect, the Multitude.

In the End, there will be the Pure Existent,
The Absolute, the Perfect, the Alone.
For, Purusha is Self-contained Existence,
And an Absolute, which embraces Relativity !

Cause, Effect, Causality are all He,
Absolute Brahman alone exists in se.
Whom even Fourfold Veds cannot define,
As He transcends spatio-temporal language.

When we say, First,the Being and then the Becoming,
Fall we into illusion of  language spatio-temporal !
Everlasting is phenomenon of the Universe,
As everlasting as the Silence beyond Time.

If Matter can neither be created nor destroyed,.
 If Energy can neither be created nor destroyed,
Then Self also cannot be either created or destroyed
As these three fall under the divisions of Being.

If the Law of Conservation of Reality be true,
That Matter, Energy, Self et al are conserved, not destroyed,
It can be deduced by Logic that all are conserved,
Being, Knowledge, Bliss, Supermind, Life, Mind and Matter !

This corroborates the mighty statement of Gita,
"Know That to be Iindestructible,
By which all this is pervaded ",
As Brahman is indestructible, Aksharam Brahma !

( Avinasi tu tat viddhi
  Yena Sarvam idam tatam }