Wednesday, April 29, 2020

HIndu Numerology Lesson 8

Manifestations of the Divine - Sastra Teachers

He manifested as different Sastra Teachers,
To teach a benighted humanity about Sciences Intuitive.
Study of the Sastras, Sound Symbols of the Absolute,
Can pave the way for Transformation or Transfiguration

"Live according to the Sastras, tasmat sastram pramanam te,
He who contravenes its commands, gaineth not Earth or Heaven ".
Wisdom is His Quality, Wisdom supreme is He,
And it is His Dharma to protect and preserve Wisdom Divine".

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Gautama,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Nyaya Sastra.
Nyaya was founded initially to defend Vedic concepts,
And to promote the Science of Thought's regulative principles !

In Thy Incarnation as Bhagavan Yaska,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Nirukta Sastra.
Definions are badly needed in debate,
And the Indefinable Thou providest all definitions.

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Varaha,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Jyotis Sastra.
Thou preserved Astronomy, Maths and Astrology,
Thri Skanda Jyotis of Siddhanta, Samhita and Hora.

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Ramana,,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Pure Yoga Sastra.
Thy technique from "Who am I" to "He am I",
Is simple, conducive to Self Actualisation !

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Madhava,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Dvaita Vedanta Sastra.
This is the First Mystic Stage of JnanaYoga,
The aspirant is different from Deity.

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Ramanuja,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Vishishta Advaita Vedanta.
Qualified Non-Dualism, It asserts that waves belong to Ocean,
But the Ocean does not belong to the Wave.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Different Aspects of Absolute Being

One person asked an Eternian,
"Why do you worship many Gods?"
Pat came the bewildering answer,
" I worship One, which manifests as Many".

I am a husband, brother, son,
Uncle, teacher and social worker.
I have many aspects,
So too, the Divine has many aspects !

For sheer Delight of Being, Rasa,
The Pure Existent multiplied Itself.
And became billions of forms,
So that it could actualise itself multitudinously.

The 33 Deities of the Eternal Law,
Are 33 esoteric principles.
Twelve Suns, Rudras Eleven,
Eight Vasus and two Physicians !

In Thy Aspect as Time,
Thou Art known as Kalapurusha !
Time is not only the Destroyer, the All Devourer,
But also the Great Healer, Creator & Preserver !

In Thy Aspect as Space,
Thou Art known as Vishwapurusha !
The Fourteen Universes Parallel are Thy Body,
With the Empyrean, Satya Loka, as Thy Head !

In Thy Aspect as Wisdom,
Thou Art known as Vedapurusha !
The Six Auxiliary Sciences are Thy Body,
With Astro Science as Thine Eye.

In Thy Aspect as Love,
Thou Art known as the Lord!
Thou Art Justice Personified,
As the highest Justice is Love !

Hindu Numerology Lesson 7

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Myriad Manifestations of Absolute Truth

In his " Apologia For Poetry ", the noble Sir Philip Sydney,
Defended Poetry against the attack of a critic, Glosson.
Glosson said that Poets are incorrigible liars and pied pipers,
Which Sydney countered saying they were Vates, Diviners !

Averred Sydney " It pleased the Heavenly Deity, through Homer et al,
To bequeath to us all Knowledge - logic, rhetoric, philosophy, natural and moral.
These sciences are called by Indians as Sastras,
Logic is Nyaya Sastra and Natural Philosophy, Sankhya Sastra.

Eighteen such Sastras grace Indian Philosophy,
Indian  Philosophy is a humiliating term given,
To the eighteen methods of gaining Knowledge,
Science of the Absolute and Affiliated Sciences may be a better term.

He who has undergone Divine Transmutation,
And who can transmute others, is Bhagavan !
In Bhakti Yogic terms, they are all Incarnations,
Either Partial or Full, Amsa or Poorna Avatars!

(  Bhavam Nihatya Yogam Dadati iti Bhagah  )

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Sankara,
Thou imparted the Wisdom of Advaita Vedanta Sastra.
Thou revived the Wisdom of the Absolute and Relative,
And protected that system that taketh you to Unitive Knowledge.

In Thy Incarnation as Bhagavan Aurobindo,
Thou bestowed the Knowledge of Integral Yoga.
People were arguing about different Yogas,
But Thou integrated them, embracing Him in all.

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Kapila,
Thou bequethed the Wisdom of Sankhya Sastra.
Know 24 principles, live in Rhythm with Natural Law,
With  Intellectual Love and be eternally free !

In Thy Incarnation as Bhagavan Satya Sai,
Thou taught us the value of Intellectual Love.
Thou declared " Love is Divine Medicine",
And that Love Universal alone can redeem !

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Dhanvantari,
Thou imparted the Knowledge of Ayurveda Sastra,
Thus medical knowledge was revealed first,
And Thou extolled Continence as a Panacea for all.

In Thy Manifestation as Bhagavan Patanjali,
Thou bestowed the Wisdom of Yoga Sastra.,
With a single definition, Thou adumbrated Yoga,
Extirpation of Thought Waves is Yoga.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Secrets of Poetry Revealed !

Western Poets invoke Muses,
( "Sing, Heavenly Muse, how on the top" ),
Indian Poets invoke Deity of Poetry,
( " Dance on my tongue, O Saraswathi ")                                           
Such Yogic methods are mandatory,
For the poetic process to blossom !

This request sent to Poetry Personified,
Sees Inspiration invade his being.
Hippocrene, the Fountain of Poesy, floweth,
Out of him, bewildering all !

( Padmapeedathil Irikkum Devee
  Pattada Bhangi Charthum Devee
  Nityamai ennude Navinmel
  Nrithamadanam Saraswatee  )

Poetry is the generatrix of Music,
Lyrics is nothing but Lyric Poetry.
Even though Music differs from Poetry,
Poetry is present in Music as Lyrics.

 Overmind has been defined,
As an Ocean of  Stable Lightnings.
With its brilliant, golden lid,
It hides the Truth Supramental.

Higher than the Intuitive Mind,
Higher than the Higher Mind,
Higher than the Illumined Mind,
Lies the Overmind, Vijnanam Brahma !

Overmind Poetry need not be mystic
Some mundane  poems do stir us.
Overmind Aesthesis should be present,
For a poem to be accepted as Overmind Poetry.

Nature was defined by Poets,
As an enigmatic Poesy.
Let us understand Prakriti,
To comprehend Purusha better.

As a result  of new yogic methods,
Aurobindo's mind hit the Ground State.
The Divine instructed him to write,
And the results were Savitri and Life Divine.

Poetry should initiate us,
To the higher reaches of  Unitive Knowledge.
On Himalayan heights divinely sang,
She acts propaedeutic to Philosophy.

Poets are aware of the Superconscious Might,
Which uses them as a Centre and lighthouse.
So, for the poetic process to unfold,
Be united with the Self, Yoga Yukto Bhava !

Sreepadam | Malayalam Movie Songs | Devaasuram (1993)