Monday, May 18, 2020

The Seven Concentric Sheaths, the Sapta Koshas

From where did the controversial Jesus
Get the Kingdom of Heaven concept ?
He came to Kashmir and was initiated,
Into the highest Esoteric Knowledge !

The Absolute Self is enveloped
By Five Concentric Sheaths !
Sheaths material, vital, mental,
Blissful & intellectual !

Two more Sheaths - Being and Knowledge,
Were added to make it Seven,
As Bliss is part of the Absolute Triad,
The Trinity of Being, Knowledge, Bliss !

These are our Seven Sheaths,
Which envelop our Soul, the Self.
Sarvam Avrutha Thishtathi,
It is enveloped by All.

We are active in the outer Sheaths,
And asleep in the inner ones,
Explains our material Consciousness,
And atrophied spiritual consciousness !

If we can move over to the inner sheaths four by Yoga,
We can get access to heavenly, blissful regions !
Jesus called the Intellectual and Bliss Sheaths, near to Self,
As the liberating, luminous Kingdom of Heaven !

The Kingdom of Heaven is within thee,
Know thyself and find It ! So let us move,
Our Consciousness from outer to inner,
And achieve Enlightenment Divine.

Effects of the Sun in Different Houses in Hindu Astrology

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Full application of the Law Of Epistemic Correlation !

Scholars of Indian Philosophy
Report that it is a Grand Mixture,
Of Many Sastras, Sciences Intuitive,
And many Sacred, Eternal Arts.

Science, Philosophy, Literature,
Mythology, Poetry and Art.
Astronomy,Maths, Astrology,
Psychology, Yogic Psychology et al

Full application of the Law,
Of  Epistemic Correlation !
'All Knowledge is One Knowledge',
Was  generated by 'Ekam Tad Sarvam'.

All sciences study Being,
Physics is Science of Being as Matter.
Biology is Science of Being as Life,
And Astronomy is Science of Being, as Heavens.

But First Science, Vedanta Sastra,
Is Science of Being as Being,
In its Pure Existential State,
And it is as Absolute Being.

So we have many sciences,
One Absolute and Many Relatives,
One Para and Many Apara Vidyas,
The True Structure of Knowledge.

Summing up, Sastras are many,
Grasp their quintessential wisdom.
And strive for Self Actualisation,
Under a bona fide Divine Master !

Western concept of Science,
Differs from the Indian slightly.
Indian incorporates Morality,
Which is missing in Western.

( Sasanthi iti Sastram ! )

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Absolute, One Without A Second

The Condition of Infinity stipulates that,
There can only be One Infinite, not two.
If there is a Second Infinite,
It will reduce the Infinite to finity.

So Infinite Being has to be One, Wrrithout a Second,
Without any Duality or Multiplicity.
So this Equation, Being = Unity, Non Duality,
Was revealed as Ekam Eva Adviteeyam Brahma.

Once, a priest had a dream,
The Lord wanted to play Chess.
The priest arranged for everything,
As he wanted it to a Great Event.

The priest's friend told him he is wasting time,
He will play with whom? if He be One Without a Second ?
The priest understood the import of this definition,
And jocularly remarked that He is so helpless !

The Equation, Individual Self = Absolute Self,
Was  revealed as Ayam Atma Brahma.
Says the Quantum Physicist,  Prof Shroedinger,
This Equation has a very deep insight.

The individual souls are not divorced from Brahman,
For it is Brahman itself which became the Relative Triad,
Of Jagat, Jiva and Para.Hence the statement,
Jeevo Brahmaiva Na Apara, is valid philosophically.

Mind is defined as a steady stream of thoughts,
And the first thought that occurs is the I Thought.
On Self Enquiry this I Thought reveals itself as Brahman,
So we have another Equation, I Thought = Being.

Tat Tvam Asi was translated by Huxley as That Art Thou,
As Thou art part and parcel of Being, Thou = Being.
This is a simple equation which many cannot understand,
But which is written on great temples like Sabarimala.

Quantum physicists say Consciousness is Fundamental,
So Consciousness = Being was revealed as Prajnanam Brahma.
Consciousness is the Root, Consciousness is the Substratum,
And  it is Consciousness which had become all this that is.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Intellectual Love,Vibhakti, is the greatest quality

If you know that I and Thou art  One,
Thou art a Philosopher.
Sanskrit words for I and Thou are  Njan and Nee,
So Jnani means a Philosopher.

Philosophy without Love
Is defined as madness.
So Philosophic Love is the answer,
And it is this Love Intellectual.

Philosophy is an intellectual science,
It is the completion of Science,
In the Synthesis of Wisdom,
And is the Science of all sciences.

Vi Bhakti is Vedantic Bhakti,
Bhakti means Love,
Vedanta is Science of Being,
So ViBhakti = Love Intelllectual.

The Lord hath declared
That Jnani is beloved to Me
That Jnani who loveth,
Bird, Man & Beast.

Intellectual Love manifests,
As Love of beauteous Nature,
As Love of Philosophic Deity,
And this should become Universal.

He who worships Sree Chakra,
Worships the external symbol first.
Then worships respectable society
Which is the true Sree Chakra.

Serve the Divine in Man,
Serve the Positive in Man,
For, Jana Seva = Janardhana Seva
And Manava Seva = Madhava Seva

Intellectual Love should expand to National Love
To redeem the nation.
Intellectual Love should expand to Universal Love
To redeem the world.