Saturday, May 23, 2020

Another Equation, World = Family..

The Precessional Cycle of 25920 years
Has been computed by Great Geometer,
And expressed as Thy Will be done,
As in Heaven, so on Earth.

On Earth,as it is in Heaven,
As Above , so Below,
Is the Law of Correspondences,
As the Celestial influences the Terrestrial.

All are brethren and  all religions,,
Are so many radii of One Circle,
Designed to lead Ṁan from Life's Circumference,
To the Central Light, the Absolute Self !

Ecumenism and Syncretism,
Sarva Dharma Samabhava,
Is the Child of both,
Gnosticism and Indian Philosophy !

The Equation, World = Family,
Vasudha Eva Kudumbakam,
Was voiced in India long ago
That we are all brethren.

When Jews were persecuted all over,
India welcomed them with open arms.
Love and mutual respect hold absolute sway,
As these two nations showed by example !

No Crusades, no Clash of Civilizations,
And Zion became India's close ally.
The Two Mothers of religions,
Have tremendous similarities.

Old Testament are similar to Vedas,
Kabalah is the Western Yoga.
Both are intellectual races,
Science and Philosophy are their forte.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

How Karma shapes Destiny

Man transgresses Eternal laws
And wonders when Fate chastises !
We know evil and resist good,
But the Law always has its way.

When a man performs action,
Positive and Negative effects incur,
In this fight between Conscience
And Expedience, making balancing difficult.

What is Sacred Balance ?
It is Art of Balancing,
Material and Spiritual,
Expedience and Conscience.

Three types of Karma are formed,
Drida, Adrida and Dridadrida,
Represented in Philosophy and Astro
As Sins, Prarabda, Agami and ,Sanchita,

Three Astro Systems of Prediction,
Dasa, Gochara and Ashtaka Varga,
Represent these Three Karmas,
And are diagnostic tools in prognostication.

Dasa system represents Drida,
Gochara system represents Adrida,
Ashtaka Varga system represents Dridadrida,
In the threefold karma classification.

A crime, committed with malice aforethought,
Generates Drida,Prarabda Karma !
Which is shown in horoscope as Dasa,
Which indicates ineluctable results.

So inevitable effects are signified by Dasa,
Its suffering due to premeditated crimes.
The Self within is non responsible,
And the native continues to suffer !

That which cannot be cured
Must be endured !
Showing that even Lord will not forgive,
Cold blooded crimes.

On the contrary, for manslaughter,,
The Law, we know , is not so rigid.
Such crimes are Adrida,
And represented by Gochara / Transit.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

What is Fate ?

In order to explain Fate
We should define our terms.
Here are some definitions
Which describe Fate entire !

It is Universal Will,
Which manifests as Fate !
Divine Providence coincides
With operation of natural causes.

Divine Providence does not keep,
Road menders on her highway.
O Destiny display Thy Hand,
That Universally Willed, must be.

That awful and supreme Power,
Which all Poets call Fate,
Who dwells in darkness,
Above Zeus and His  Court.

Neither  the Trinitarian Unity,
Nor the lord of Heaven
Can go against Fate,
Fate is an unchalllenged Deity !

All things are decided by Fate
It was known what each man would be !
Providence protects the righteous,
Even though Its ways are inscrutable !

The Universal Will will not lead you,
Where Universal Grace cannot keep you !
The Law rules all and is all !
Nature and Destiny are one.

Does misfortune befall you ? Good !
It is part of Great Fate of  Universe,
Ordained to you from Beginning.
It is a part of the great web.

The Seer, Who Becomes Everywhere,
Has ordered all, from years sempiternal.
Nothing human can hinder Fate,
As there are no humans without defects.

Understand what you sow you reap,
This is Nature's fundamental Law !
No despotic power is given to humans,
They will have to reap rewards later.

This mighty Law of Cause and Effect,
This glorious Law of Nemesis,Retribution,
Is this Grand Law of Causation,
Known as the Universal Law of Karma !

Justice rules all with weight inexorable,
Though its operations are unknown.
Nemesis, implacable and retributive,
Follows man like a resident spectre.

Who structured this mighty Law?
Who became planets to dispense Karma ?
Who is the Cause of Universal Order ? ,
We need to fly to Providence and Deity !

So Karma shapes Destiny
Karma makes us Architects of Fate !
Karma is greater than even God,
So let us eschew evil and do good.

Absolute Reality became Relative Reality,
Universal Love became planets and Zodiac,
To dispense the Universal Justice of Karma,
And to uphold Universal Justice, which He is !

And He created the Twelve Tribes of Zion,
Emblematic of the Twelve Houses of Zodiac,
The Twelve Solar and Lunar months of Hindu Calendar,
And the Twelve Suns of Indian Astronomy.

The only language in which He speaks to Man,
Is the Language of the Heavens !
So,Science and Wisdom of Heavens, Astronomy and Astrology,
 Assume great importance in superconscient learning.

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Seven Concentric Sheaths, the Sapta Koshas

From where did the controversial Jesus
Get the Kingdom of Heaven concept ?
He came to Kashmir and was initiated,
Into the highest Esoteric Knowledge !

The Absolute Self is enveloped
By Five Concentric Sheaths !
Sheaths material, vital, mental,
Blissful & intellectual !

Two more Sheaths - Being and Knowledge,
Were added to make it Seven,
As Bliss is part of the Absolute Triad,
The Trinity of Being, Knowledge, Bliss !

These are our Seven Sheaths,
Which envelop our Soul, the Self.
Sarvam Avrutha Thishtathi,
It is enveloped by All.

We are active in the outer Sheaths,
And asleep in the inner ones,
Explains our material Consciousness,
And atrophied spiritual consciousness !

If we can move over to the inner sheaths four by Yoga,
We can get access to heavenly, blissful regions !
Jesus called the Intellectual and Bliss Sheaths, near to Self,
As the liberating, luminous Kingdom of Heaven !

The Kingdom of Heaven is within thee,
Know thyself and find It ! So let us move,
Our Consciousness from outer to inner,
And achieve Enlightenment Divine.

Effects of the Sun in Different Houses in Hindu Astrology

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Full application of the Law Of Epistemic Correlation !

Scholars of Indian Philosophy
Report that it is a Grand Mixture,
Of Many Sastras, Sciences Intuitive,
And many Sacred, Eternal Arts.

Science, Philosophy, Literature,
Mythology, Poetry and Art.
Astronomy,Maths, Astrology,
Psychology, Yogic Psychology et al

Full application of the Law,
Of  Epistemic Correlation !
'All Knowledge is One Knowledge',
Was  generated by 'Ekam Tad Sarvam'.

All sciences study Being,
Physics is Science of Being as Matter.
Biology is Science of Being as Life,
And Astronomy is Science of Being, as Heavens.

But First Science, Vedanta Sastra,
Is Science of Being as Being,
In its Pure Existential State,
And it is as Absolute Being.

So we have many sciences,
One Absolute and Many Relatives,
One Para and Many Apara Vidyas,
The True Structure of Knowledge.

Summing up, Sastras are many,
Grasp their quintessential wisdom.
And strive for Self Actualisation,
Under a bona fide Divine Master !

Western concept of Science,
Differs from the Indian slightly.
Indian incorporates Morality,
Which is missing in Western.

( Sasanthi iti Sastram ! )