An infopreneur is defined as one who sells info products. You can sell your
info products via the Web, via blogs, sites and lenses !
Article Marketing continues to be the best method for getting exposure and
traffic to your sites, blogs and lenses !
Create blogs on Blogger or Wordpress. Create as many blogs as possible. Also
create lenses on Squidoo. I created 23 blogs on Blogger and 24 lenses on
From your Squidoo lens, give links to your blogs and sites. From my main
Squidoo Lens,, I have given links to my
main blog, and to my main site, Cross Link all blogs, lenses and sites. Give different
types of info on blogs. I have a Marketing blog, Astrology blog, Numerology
Gemology Blog etc. So also Numerology, Astrology, Marketing lenses !
One blog post is more or less 200 words. Convert 3 or 4 blog posts into one
article. You already got content. All you have to do is to edit it and lo !
you have an article !
After creating an article out of blog posts, you can
Post the article to your Squidoo Page
Post the article to your site
Email the article to subscription lists
Send it to article directories
Send it to article submission lists
Immense are the benefits of Article Marketing! The e-article has been
defined by Ron Knolton as the ultimate promotional tool and it is this tool
which will get you traffic.
If you convert blogs posts into articles, you can have as many as 1000
articles per month. Your articles will give you tremendous exposure,
generate leads and get you the much needed traffic for your blogs, lenses
and sites !
The Benefits of Article Marketing
1) Lead Generation
2) Increased traffic
3) Increased Rankings ( Alexa traffic rankings, Google Page Rankings, Yahoo
Inbound links etc )
4) Postioning you as an expert
Your articles will appear on the article directories and these articles will
get you traffic. My YBL (Yahoo Inbound links) for my main site, was 1800 last year and in one year of Article
Marketing, it has gone upto 18000 YBL, a tenfold increase ! I get around
2000 page views on Google and 4000 on Adbrite !
If you have Adsense ads, Adbrite ads etc on your sites, blogs and lenses,
you can benefit from adrevenue. Just get traffic to these blogs, sites and
lenses and your adrevenue will go up !
I have created promotional lists, a list of article submission centers,
social bookmarking sites and blog submission centers & you can make use of
my promotional lists.
Submit your blogs to these blog submission centers
Submit your web and blog pages to these social bookmarking sites
Submit your articles to these article submission centers
Good Luck with Intellectual Marketing !
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