Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Blog Copy - The Blogger's Secret Weapon

BlogCopy is a great site. It is the secret weapon of bloggers. Visitors to your blog read your posts and they copy and paste your contents. You can with Blog Copy find out what they have copied and this is valuable feedback on your content. You can use it to understand which keywords attract more users.

You can access the Stats in your BlogCopy account and know what is worth reading on your blog. This can be a useful feed forward for your blog. You can use it to build your brand and promote your blogs and sites.

A rich source of instant information delivered to the world, BlogCopy is becoming world renowned. Your readers will find it interesting and worth mentioning. Because of their copy- pasting your content, you can generate more page views and visits just by knowing what they copied from your blog.

You get sustainable results by improving you Search Engine Rankings and get credit as your content is being copied. Which means more reputation, more fame and more money !