Monday, October 20, 2014

Tomorrow is Dhana Trayodashi

Tomorrow is Dhana Trayodashi, the 13th Lunation, two days before Deepa Vali. Dhana Lakshmi, one of the Forms of the Eightfold Prosperity, Ashta Lakshmi,  is propitiated and precious metals are bought on this day !

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Happy Thula Vishu and Thula Varsha !

The Sun entered  Zero Degree Sidereal Libra yesterday at 0602 PM, initiating Thula Vishu, as well as Thula Varsha.  Vishu or Equinox occus twice on Apr 14 ( Solar ingress into Aries ) and on Oct 17 ( Solar ingress into Libra ).Today is Thula 1,  Aslesha upto  25 Nadis and 48 Vinadis and the Tenth Lunation, Dasami.

The indications to Thula Varsha had  already begun and it rained heavily day before yesterday. Thula Varsha is the North East Monsoon. As the point in the 

Indian Ocean becomes hot, near the Tropic of Capricorn, cool winds come from the Bay of Bengal. pick up moisture and pour over India peninsular. 

We expect more rains in Thula.  Vrischika end ( Dec 15 ) will see the end of the Monsoon Season in Kerala. On Dhanu 10th ( Dec 25 ) , farmers will start irrigating their fields, which they were not doing from May 29 onwards.

The North East Monsoon, Thula Varsha, comes as rains in the afternoon normally, with fireworks ( lightning and thunder ). People are warned not to stay outdoors, not to stand behind solitary trees and not to touch window bars. Thunder and lightning had wreaked havoc in some places in Kerala yesterday !

How accurate the Kerala Calendar is was proved true  as heavy rains and thunder hammered Guruvayur at 0420 PM yesterday. I disconnected the modem and pulled out of office at 0430 PM. Day before yesterday also I pulled out at 0645 PM, when thunder and rains took over. Thunder can damage hard disks.

The Indian mathematicians have not erred and as scheduled  Thula Varsha begam in earnest and it is raining cats and dogs in Guruvayur now. 

Fierce rains slashed Guruvayur at 0420 PM onwards and it is raining torrentially.

The Heavens prove Hindu Calendar true !

The Megha Visphotana or Cloud Explosion at Guruvayur on the evening of Thula Vishu or Thula Varsha day ! ( 0420 to 0510 PM ).

Did the Lord send the shower to prove the Hindu Calendar true ?

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Q & As about the similarities in the horoscopes of Modi ji & Shivaji.

Q - What are the similarities in these horoscopes ?

A - In both horoscopes, Jupiter is angular. An angular Jupiter can destroy 100 K afflictions, Laksham Doshan Hanti Devendra Poojya. In both horoscopes, Jupiter is in Aquarius. Jupiter in Aquarius gives the effect of exalted Jupiter in Cancer. 

Q - Is Jupiter the King Maker?

A - Yes. He is the largest planet in the solar system. 1300 earths can be fit into Jupiter.He played a vital role in the horoscopes of British Sovereigns. He was angular, either rising ( in First )  or culminating ( in Tenth ).  

In Shivaji's horoscope, he is in the Seventh and in Modi ji's, 4th. Shivaji had Saturn and Venus exalted. Modi ji has Mercury exalted with Jupiter, equivalent to exaltation,  Kumbhe Karkatakal Phalani. 

Mars, in both horoscopes, is well posited. In Modi ji's he is in the Ascendant, conferring Ruchaka Yoga and in Shivaji's, he is in the benevolent 11th. 

More info at

Q & As about the similarities in the horoscopes of Modi ji & Shivaji.

Q - What are the similarities in these horoscopes ?

A - In both horoscopes, Jupiter is angular. An angular Jupiter can destroy 100 K afflictions, Laksham Doshan Hanti Devendra Poojya. In both horoscopes, Jupiter is in Aquarius. Jupiter in Aquarius gives the effect of exalted Jupiter in Cancer. 

Q - Is Jupiter the King Maker?

A - Yes. He is the largest planet in the solar system. 1300 earths can be fit into Jupiter.He played a vital role in the horoscopes of British Sovereigns. He was angular, either rising ( in First )  or culminating ( in Tenth ).  

In Shivaji's horoscope, he is in the Seventh and in Modi ji's, 4th. Shivaji had Saturn and Venus exalted. Modi ji has Mercury exalted with Jupiter, equivalent to exaltation,  Kumbhe Karkatakal Phalani. 

Mars, in both horoscopes, is well posited. In Modi ji's he is in the Ascendant, conferring Ruchaka Yoga and in Shivaji's, he is in the benevolent 11th. 

More info at

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Q & As about Farm Tourism.

Q - What is Farm Tourism?

In Kerala, which is an agri state, Farm Tourism is promoted as a new tourism product. Without much investment, F T can be marketed, as Kerala has 30 lakh hectares of gross cropped area. More than 33% contain plantations of Tea, Coffee, Rubber, Cardamom et al and more than 33% contain coconut plantation. The State has 350 K lakh hectares under paddy cultivation.

5% of the total land has been allocated for  F T..There are schemes which are under way to prepare the plantations/ Farms to receive tourists by presenting a positive image of the Farm and Agri as a whole. The Agri Sector is therefore revitalised and  will increase tourist arrivals in the State.  

Farm Tourism is an integral part of Eco Tourism but there is a slight difference. While artificially created landscapes are part of Eco Tourism - gardens, pond etc - the goal of Farm Tourism is to show the curious tourist about Nature in her pristine purity. .

More info about Farm Tourism at

Q & As about Farm Tourism.

Q - What is Farm Tourism?

In Kerala, which is an agri state, Farm Tourism is promoted as a new tourism product. Without much investment, F T can be marketed, as Kerala has 30 lakh hectares of gross cropped area. More than 33% contain plantations of Tea, Coffee, Rubber, Cardamom et al and more than 33% contain coconut plantation. The State has 350 K lakh hectares under paddy cultivation.

5% of the total land has been allocated for  F T..There are schemes which are under way to prepare the plantations/ Farms to receive tourists by presenting a positive image of the Farm and Agri as a whole. The Agri Sector is therefore revitalised and  will increase tourist arrivals in the State.  

Farm Tourism is an integral part of Eco Tourism but there is a slight difference. While artificially created landscapes are part of Eco Tourism - gardens, pond etc - the goal of Farm Tourism is to show the curious tourist about Nature in her pristine purity. .

More info about Farm Tourism at

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Seven Branches of Poetry

They are

The Iambic
The Pastoral
The Elegiac
The Anagogic

FAQs about Corrective and Impulse Phases.

Q - What do you means by the Impluse Phase?

A - The Primary trend. In an Uptide, this is the bullish trend and during a Downtide, the bearish trend.

Q - What is the Corrective Phase ?

A - This is the corrective reaction which happens naturally when the Stock Market is in an overbought or oversold zone. During the Uptide, the secondary reaction is the Corrective Phase and during a Downtide, the bear rally.

More info about Corrective and Impulse Phases at

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Q & As about the Messenger of the Solar System, Mercury.

Q - What does Mercury signify?

A - Academic knowledge and degrees are the prerogative of Mercury, Vidya Mathula Karako Budha. Books, publishing, knowledge, mathematics, sculpture & arts all come under his domain. If he be exalted in one's horoscope, the native will become a great scholar. ( Example horoscope is that of Augustus Caesar who had exalted Mercury in Virgo ).

This science of the Heavens was called by the Germans as Cosmo-Biology. To them, Cosmo-Biology was the calculus of cosmic interrelatedness. It simply means the celestial influences on terrestrial affairs as per the principle " As Above, so below ".

The role of Mercury in Horoscopy

Mercury in the Ascendant

Mercury in the Ascendant makes one a scholar.Will be intelligent
and clever. Will be a master of arts. Will have good oratorial
prowess and can captivate people with speech. This position of
Mercury confers high longevity.

Q & As about the Messenger of the Solar System, Mercury.

Q - What does Mercury signify?

A - Academic knowledge and degrees are the prerogative of Mercury, Vidya Mathula Karako Budha. Books, publishing, knowledge, mathematics, sculpture & arts all come under his domain. If he be exalted in one's horoscope, the native will become a great scholar. ( Example horoscope is that of Augustus Caesar who had exalted Mercury in Virgo ).

This science of the Heavens was called by the Germans as Cosmo-Biology. To them, Cosmo-Biology was the calculus of cosmic interrelatedness. It simply means the celestial influences on terrestrial affairs as per the principle " As Above, so below ".

The role of Mercury in Horoscopy

Mercury in the Ascendant

Mercury in the Ascendant makes one a scholar.Will be intelligent
and clever. Will be a master of arts. Will have good oratorial
prowess and can captivate people with speech. This position of
Mercury confers high longevity.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Happy Vijaya Dasami !

 May Her Grace free us from miseries !

Today is the Tenth Lunation, Dasami, that is the Moon in between 108 and 120 degrees from the Sun ( 9*12 = 108 ),  Till 09.58 AM, it is  the Ninth Lunation, Navami and the Deity that is worshipped on Navami  is Siddhi Dhatri, which means giver of para normal powers or Siddhis.

( Siddhi means psychic or occult powers. There are eight Siddhis. They are Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Iishitva & Vashitva,) 

Navamam Siddhi Dhatree cha
Nava Durga Prakeerthitha. 

Thou art the Primal Prakriti
The Cause of all Multiverses !
And the triune attributes of Nature
Also the impulses of Creative Intelligence
Thy Play is unknown 
Even to the Trinity !
The Universe is only Thy infinitesimal expression
Thou, Manifestation of the Unmanifest 1

More info about Prakriti or Maya at

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Today is the Eighth Lunation

Today is the Eighth Lunation, that is the Moon in between 84 and 96 degrees from the Sun and Maha Gauri is the Deity that is worshipped during the Festival of Nine Nights, Nava Ratri. Maha Gaureethi Chashtamam !

Gauri means White. She is as pure and white, sinless. Mythology has it that She lost her complexion while travelling in the forest and Her meeting with Lord Shiva made her regain Her Fair Complexion !

The Prikriti of Sankhya and the Maya of Vedanta became the Shakti or Devi of Tantra. She is the beginingless Universal Mind, which brought the Universe into existence  ( kayanaumeya sudhiaiva Maya Yada Jagath Sarvam idam prasooyathe ) and hence called the Mother of the Universe, Jagath Amba ! 

In the Epic poem, Ramayana, She is Seetha, the idol of Indian Motherhood. In Her Hands is the Key to the luminous Kingdom of Heaven, to Self Actualisation ! 

How glorious is the Eternal Law !

Ya Devi Sarva Bhootheshu Maha Gaureethi Samsthitha
Namasthasyai Namasthasyai Namasthasyai Namo Nama

More info about the Fair One at

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Today is the Seventh Lunation

Today is the Seventh Lunation, that is the Moon in between 72 and 84 degrees from the Sun. The Deity that is worshipped during Nava Ratri is Kala Ratri. ( The Kanya Shukla Nava Thidhis are celebrated as Nava Ratri, that is the NIne Lunations in the Bright Fortnight in the sidereal month of Virgo or Kanya ).

Saptamam Kala Ratreeti Maha Gaureethi chashtamam. 

Kala means Dark and Ratri means Night. This is the symbolism
of the Dark Night of the Soul and the Dark Night of the Spirit. 

Without Her Grace, Salvation is not possible !

In Bridal Mysticism, Vandanam means to bow before the Tutelary Deity. The Masters of India knew that Yoga and Vedanta are ultra worldly sciences, which are  best suited for ultra worldly people. So they brought in Tantra and installed Tutelary Deities in all cities and villages, so that worldly people can have the same mystic experiences like the Initiates.  Bhakti Yoga is for the worldly man. She is Bhagavathy, the Damsel Divine adorned with the Six Attributes ! Arpanam means to sacrifice one's life for Deity. Dasyam is to be Her servant, serving All and Loving All !

She and He are ultimately One. This is well expressed by the Mother of Auroville

Without Him, I exist not
Without Me, He is Unmanifest !

Write up and videos about Para Prakriti at