Sidereal Positions for 05012016
Moon tenants the constellation of Vishakha or Beta Librae till Sunrise + 60*24 minutes.
Sun transits the 20th degree of sidereal Sagittarius.
Solar Month, Day Dhanus 20
Lunar Month Pousha
Kali Year 5117
VIkram Samwat 2072 ( English Era + 56.7 )
Saka Era 1937 ( English Era - 78 )
Malayalam Era 1191 ( English Era - 825)
Week Day Kuja Var or TIv's Day
Fortnight - Waning Moon, Krishna Paksha
Lunation - Eleventh, Ekadasi, till Sunrise + 60*24 minutes.
Moon tenants the constellation of Vishakha or Beta Librae till Sunrise + 60*24 minutes.
Sun transits the 20th degree of sidereal Sagittarius.
Solar Month, Day Dhanus 20
Lunar Month Pousha
Kali Year 5117
VIkram Samwat 2072 ( English Era + 56.7 )
Saka Era 1937 ( English Era - 78 )
Malayalam Era 1191 ( English Era - 825)
Week Day Kuja Var or TIv's Day
Fortnight - Waning Moon, Krishna Paksha
Lunation - Eleventh, Ekadasi, till Sunrise + 60*24 minutes.