Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Seven States of Consciousness Hypothesis

The ordinary man lives in three states
Waking, dreaming and sleep dreamless
Transcending these three is the Fourth,
Transcendental Consciousness,Tureeya,

This Tureeya State was conclusively proved,
By Dr Keith Wallace in his PhD Thesis,
" The Physiological Effects of Transcendental Meditation,
A Proposed Fourth Major State of Consciousness"
{ At University of California and Los Angeles, in 1975}.

There are still higher states to attain.
The Fifth is Cosmic Consciousness, Tureeyateeta,
The Sixth is a Glorified State of CC
And the Seventh is Unity Consciousness.

The Vedas were never written,
But were heard and cognised
In higher states of Consciousness !
Hence Apaurusheya, not man made

Sruthi means that which was heard !

What the Seer Poets intuitively hear
Is only an infinitesimal portion,
Of the Infinite Vedas, Ananta Vai Veda !

In his Meditation,  Mahesh Yogi,
Had a Vision of  the  Divine Mother
Who told him to present
Sastras as Sciences.

Modern sciences are reflections
Of ancient sciences
Research is needed
Integrate them both! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Explanation of Man"s life is nothing but one day

 Explain! Man"s life is nothing but one day

We will explain by equations
There are two Clocks, Big and Small,
Big is the Cosmic Clock,
And small is the Annual Clock.

In the Annual Clock
Daily motion of Sun
Is one degree per day
So 1 degree = 1 day.

In the Cosmic Clock
It was discovered
That Equinoxes precede
One degree, every 72 years.

So 1 degree = 72 years.
{The Precession of the Equinoxes}
Human Life Span is estimated
As seventy odd years.
72 years = Human Life Span

As 72 years = 1 degree in the Cosmic Clock,
And 1 degree= 1 day in the Annual Clock,
By  combining both equations,
We get Human Life Span =1 day.

Explanation of Man"s life is nothing but one day

 Explain! Man"s life is nothing but one day

We will explain by equations
There are two Clocks, Big and Small,
Big is the Cosmic Clock,
And small is the Annual Clock.

In the Annual Clock
Daily motion of Sun
Is one degree per day
So 1 degree = 1 day.

In the Cosmic Clock
It was discovered
That Equinoxes precede
One degree, every 72 years.

So 1 degree = 72 years.
{The Precession of the Equinoxes}
Human Life Span is estimated
As seventy odd years.
72 years = Human Life Span

As 72 years = 1 degree in the Cosmic Clock,
And 1 degree= 1 day in the Annual Clock,
By  combining both equations,
We get Human Life Span =1 day.

The Gauthama Hypothesis

The Gautama Hypothesis

The Science of Logic, Nyaya Sastra,
Was first propounded by Bhagavan Gautama.
Logic= regulative principles of Thought
And is more or less Dialectics !

Nyaya illumines all sciences,
And is the instrument of all actions,
Is the Sanctuary for all Ethics,
Analysed completely for purpose of Knowledge.

Pradeepa Sarva Vidyanam
Upadhi Sarva Karmanam
Ashraya Sarva Dharmanam
Vidyoddheshe Pareekshitah

One of the Six Main Sciences,
Nyaya was specially formulated,
To affirm concepts Vedic,
And to refute concepts non-Vedic.

No books are meant by Vedas,
Vedas mean that which was heard,
{ Srooyathe iti Sruthi },
That mass of Infinite Knowledge
Of Infinite, Absolute Being,

Undecipherable to uninitiated,
Descended from Heaven,
{ Descendit e Caelo },
Because they were never written,
But cognised in higher states.

The Three types of Logic,
Inductive, Deductive and Dialectical
Are contained in Nyaya Sastra,
The Queen of all Sciences !

Monday, March 16, 2020

Of. the Eternal Law

Of the Eternal Law

Aurobindo was an Integral Yogi,
Of a high spiritual ordér.
He prayed for Indian Independence.
When nation was ruled by British.

" The atheist was in me
The agnostic was in me
If Thou Existeth
Give India her freedom"

Immediately no answer came
But after some hours, a torrent of Bliss
Surged up within his ascetic being,
And he felt the Invasion and the Nameless Joy.

For it was the Hour of the Incalculable,
The Hour of Eternity, a Meeting with Infinity,
Where a Voice not unfamiliar to him spoke.
The sweet,Voice Divine spoke to him thus.

"This is the Eternal Law, this is Sanathan Dharma,
This is the system which I have perfected
Through the Saints, the Yogis,
The Rishies and the Avatars !

When you go forth
Speak to your nation
That it is for Dharma India exists.
I am giving India her freedom now.

"I am seated deep in the hearts of all
And overrule their actions and words
It is I who am doing all this
It is al I will and not what others seall.

What I propose to bring about,
No human power can stay !
Remember there is nothing impossible,
There is nothing difficult.

The Voice told him to go to Pondicherry
Where he wrote the whole world to redeem.
He used to hear the Voice frequently
"It is I who is doing all this".

Is the ultimate formula of Yoga
Divine Transmutation of Man?
He became divine himself !
Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavati

His Birthday coincided
With Indian Independence Day
He acknowledged that Grand Coincidence,
And the Universal Will behind it !

' I take this circumstance
Not as a fortuitous accident
But as a sanction
Of the Divine Force"

As he was gifted with Pen's power,
The Britishers used to say,
That the most dangerous man was he,
Not Gandhi, Nehru or Patel !

For the Pen can change mass opinions,
Thereby creating a Revolution.
The Pen can destroy empires,
Verily, Pen is the  master weapon.

Of Mythology, which is Psychology in ancient dress !

Presenting scientific truths as stories
Is the function and role of Mythology.
Heavenly, celestial truths cannot be taught,
Save through symbols, allegories, emblems and myths !

Ithihaasa Puranabhyam
Vedam Samupa Brimhayeth

Myth stories have two types of meaning,
Exoteric and  Esoteric,
Outer meaning and inner meaning
 Bahya Abhyantara Bhedath Dwividha

Bacon, Father of English Prose,
Opined that scientific truths,
Are contained in Myths,
In his " De Sapientia Vaterum ".

The Ardha Nareeswara Concept,
Symbolises that Purusha and Prakriti are One.
Being and Becoming coalesce,
And remain forever inextricable.

Exoteric meaning is superficial
Esoteric meaning is all in all,
Inner meaning is revealed by Guru,
The Guru who is within.

The intimate tie between Mythology and Psychology,
Was theorised by Carl Stillman.
Mythology is Psychology in ancient dress,
Psychology is Mythology in modern dress.

Monday, June 24, 2019

the horoscope of Virat Kohli.

We have said that both Saturn & Jupiter are positive for India.

Let us analyse
the horoscope of Virat Kohli.

With Mars powerfully posited in Pisces, we have the ideal sportsman's hotoscope.( Mars is te Sports Planet, Bhratha Satvam cha Bhauma ). It idicates a man of ministerial calibre, Jaivam Naikharipur Narendra Sachiva.

Saturn is Sagittarius is very powerful and goes by the name of Kodanda Shani. K S makes a man fortunate, karoti bhoopather janma and it indicates Punya of a high order. In the House of Jupiter, Saturn confers good spouse, children & wealth, Sat Putra Jaya Dhano. The native becomes a leader !