Thursday, April 2, 2020

Aurobindo Hypothesis IV, Overmind Poetry = Mystic Poetry

 Overmind Poetry cometh

Intuitive Mind and Overmind !

Like Music, which has been divided,
Into Divine Music and Music Mundane,
Musica Divina and Musica Mundana,
Can Poetry be divided as such ?

Yes, and Divine Poetry is Overmind Poetry,
As it is  based on Inspiration Divine.
Thoughts emanating from a transcendent level,
Beyond Gross, Subtle and Unmanifest.

Himself an Overmind Poet, Aurobindo revealed,
That he experienced three of Four Faculties,
Of the Intuitive Reason - Revealation, Inspiration,
And Intuition, symbolised as Ila,Saraswati and Sarama.

Mother of the Lunar Dynasty is Ila,
Saraswati is the River of Inspiration,
Flowing from the Truth Consciousness
And Sarama is the Hound of Heaven !

Prasthana Trayee are of Overmind origin,
Geeta, Brahma Sutras and Upanishads,.
Epic Poems of Vyasa and Valmiki,
Narayaneeyam,the Great Savitri et al !

Examples of Overmind Poetry

Lust, greed, anger and avarice, 
If renounced,  Self discovers " I am He".
The Fool devoid of Self Knowledge, 
Finds himself in the abyss of  Hell !

Kamam, Krodham, Lobham, Moham
Thyaktva Tranam Pasyathi Soham
Atma Jnana Viheena Mooda 
Te Pashyante Naraka Nigooda !

The power of the Unmanifest Lord
Triune, Tri-featured and Eternal
The generatrix of the Universe is She
Universal Mind, which sprung from the Lord !

Avyaktha namnee paramesha shakti
Anadya Vidya trigunatmika para
Kayanumeya Sudhiyaiva Maya
Yada jagat sarvamidham prasooyathe

We shalt exalt thee with devotion,
O Destroyer of suffering triune.
Physical, mental, emotional
Give us fame immortal.

Sthuvath bhyo bhakthi poorvam thvam
Chandike Vyadhi Nasini
Roopam Dehi Jayam Dehi
Yaso Dehi Dwisho Jahee 

Prathar vadami lalithe thava punya nama,
Kameswarethi, Kamalethi Maheswareethi,
Sri Shambhaveethi Jagatham Janani Parethi,
Vag Deva Thethi Vachasa Tripureswareethi.

This Cosmic Beauty's Holy name I chant
Thy Name Divine, holiest of holies
As the Deity of Love, of Vach, of Brains,
 And As the Mother of the Universe

Allegorical description Of Vedantic Triad,
Of Relative Being, Jagat, Jiva & Para,
Is that of a cow with three calves -
The cow represents the Universal Mind ( Maya ).

The three calves are
The Relative Universe ( Jagat )
The Relative Ego ( Jiva )
And the Relative Supreme ( Para )

O Thou with and without Thy Maya
Art known as Witness Consciousness
Thy projections Three
Are Thee in Reality !

All the forces of Nature
Dissolved in Thee at Involution
Only Thou existed then
As Supreme Consciousness Bliss !

Maya sannihito pravishta vapusha
Saksheethi geetho bhavan
Bhedestham pratibimbitho vivisivan
Jeevepi naiva para
Kalatma pratibodhita cha vigjata
sanchothita cha swayam
Maya sa khalu bhuddi tatvamasruja

Dyosau Mahan uchyathe.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Vyasa Hypothesis - Aum, Tat, Sat = Triune Being

Threefold designation of  Absolute,
Is Aum,Tat & Sat.
Aum Tat Sat iti Nirdeso
Brahmana thrividha smrita

Immanence, Transcendence and Cosmicity
Characterise the Being which  is triune.
Overmental Logic averrs this,
As mental logic cannot comprehend it.

Being Cosmic is Aum
Being Immanent is Tat
Being Transcendent is Sat,
Is Revealed Mystery of Trinity !

Thou Art Nature, Thou art Jivas,
There is nothing apart from Thee !
Tvam Jeeva,Tvam Pradhanam
Yadi ha bhavadride thanna kinchil Prapanche.

Refutation of charges, Agnosticism and Pantheism,  against the Eternal Law

The Eternal Law has been condemned,
As Agnostic and Pantheistic.
This is far from Truth,
As we will prove with our Logic irrefutable.

Pantheism is a Doctrine which affirms,
His Immanence at expense of His Transcendence.
Eternal Law says Everything is He,
As His triune aspects are revealed in Trinity !

Agnosticism  says Truth is Unknown.
The Unknown is not the Unknowable.
Other than That is the Known.
Also it is above the Unknown,saith E L.

Being is both Transcendent and Immanent
Being is both Known and Unknown.
How can you criticise a system,
Which declares everything is He?

With His septenary priciples, He manifests,
With Life, Mind, Matter, Supermind, Sat,Chit and Ananda
With these, He has filled in on His Self Existent Canvas
The myriad wonders of His magnificent Self Creation!

Creating and recreating Himself in Himself,
For the sheer Bliss of that Self Creation,
With the joy of the magician, the actor's, the Player's,
Himself, the Play, Himself, the Player, Himself the Playground.

Aurobindo Hypothesis III, Yoga = Science of Superonscious Mind

Psychology is  Science of Subconscious Mind,
Psycho Analysis that of the Unconscious,
Yoga is the Science of the Superconscious,
Characterised by higher conscious states.

Modern Psychology is an infant science,
Rash, fumbling and crude.
In it, habit of mind, to take a half f truth,
Generalising it unduly, runs riot here.

The only real Knowledge,
Is operative and intuitive.
It is about the Fourth,
The Superconscient Absolute.,

Superconscient is our Evolutionary future,
As Subconscient  was our evolutionary past.
The Superconscient and not the Subconscient,
Is the foundation of all things.

Overmind Poetry and the Fourfold Veds,
Arose from  Superconscious states.
Celestial truths were heard and cognised,
By the exalted Seer Poets !

The vicious, negative forces,
Lust, greed, anger, jealousy et al,
Lie dormant in the abysmal depths,
Of the powerful Subconscient !

They have to be vanquished, saith the Master,
For thee to reach celestial heights !
Conquering them is not easy,
For thou needest the Grace of Prakriti Divine.

In the Book of the Redeemer, the Sage saith
"Yet till Evil is slain in its own home,
And Light invades the world's inconscient base,
He should still labor on, his work half done "  

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Soundarya Lahari | Adi Sankaracharya | Priya R. Pai | സൗന്ദര്യലഹരി

The Intoxication of Beauty, Soundarya Lahari

Sankara, one of the best scientific philosophers, was feeling paralysed at Trichur Temple, when a small girl asked him " Without Power, Shakti, what can you do?". Sankara bowed before Her and wrote a grand treatise on Beauty Divine, called "Intoxication of Beauty", Soundarya Lahari, wherein he described the comeliness, magnificence, transcendence, immanence and cosmicity of Parvathy, the Mother.

Even though defined as Transcendence, the Fourth, Tureeya Brahman, She is also immanent and cosmic.

The Sankara Hypothesis, Reality = Unity, is accepted by the scientific world, as Reality happens to be One Universal Energy.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Aurobindo Hypothesis II - The Sevenfold Chord of Being

After his divine experience,
Wherein he saw the Divine in all,
Aurobindo postulated an amazing theory,
The Sevenfold Chord of  Being.

Dialectical Integralism is his system,
As He integrated both Purusha and Prakriti
Integrating Idealism and Materialism Dialectical,
Both Hegel and Marx, is never easy.

He stood for Sacred Balance

Of powerful Matter and Spirit Blissful
"Spirit shall see through Matter's gaze,
Matter shall reveal the Spirit's Face"

The lower Trilogy of Life , Mind and Matter
Constitute Relative Being.
The higher Trinity of Being, Knowledge and Bliss
Constitute Absolute Being.

Which is that seventh element,
Which binds the Absolute and Relative?
It is called Supermind, a state,
Beyond Overmind and Mind.

This is Sevenfold mode of Existence Cosmic,
Seven Names of the Nameless,
Seven Rays of Infinity
And Seven Colors of Consciousness !

Supermind,then, is the  Alpha and the Omega,
The instrument of  all unification,
Originative, executive and consummative,
In all realisable harmonies.

Evolution of this Sevenfold Being,
Realisation of Its Septuple Name,
Was considered divine destiny,
Of all, which cometh from One.

The Divine descending into materiality,
Is called humanity.
With Matter as the lowest term,
And pure Being as the highest.

The lower Trilogy of Life, Mind and Matter,
Are merely the subordinate action powers,
Of the Divine Quaternary,
Being, Knowledge, Bliss & Supermind.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Tilak Hypothesis - Vedic Age = 5567years

The Start of the Tropical Zodiac,
That Celestial circle of 360 degrees,
Is Zero Degree Aries, Vernal Equinox,
The Tropical Zero Point, Sayana Meshadi.

This Zero Point precedes, moving backwards,
One degree, every seventy two years.
( Value given by Cheiro, Count Louis Hamon.}
So Precessional Cycle =72*360= 25920 years,
And this is called  the Cosmic Clock.

Orion, Arctic Home in the Vedas,
Is a book by Bala Gangadhar Tilak.
In it he states that the Zero Point,
Was in Head of Orion, Mrigasira,
{Which starts from 53 deg 20 mins,
In the Zodiac of three sixty}.

Now the Tropical Zero Point,
Is in Six degrees Pisces,
Which means it has traversed,
Thirty - Six, twenty four degrees !

We have said that the Zero Point moves,
And it has moved 53.20 + 24 =77.3 degrees.
And when we multiply it by 72,
We get the Vedic Age, 77.3*72 = 5567 years.